The Alphabet Travel Guide - VV. AA.

The Alphabet Travel Guide – VV. AA.


ISBN: 978-84-9946-711-5
Depósito Legal: M-38576-2019
Páginas: 292
Edición: 1ª edición, diciembre de 2019

This guide will take you on a wonderful trip around a world made of letters.
All you need is your imagination.
If the adventure is too difficult, ask an adult for their help or use a dictionary.
If it is too easy, explore each country further with your creativity. There are no limits.
Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!

Story: Ada Francoy Barreiro, Laura Peralta Esteban y Juanjo Bermúdez de Castro.
Ilustrators: Alba Egea, Pedro Fernández, Paz Blanco, Enrique Barreiro, Raquel Sanz, Nadine Cohen, Ester Sevilla Labora, Eduardo Abril, Elitxo Garayalde, Tatiana Nazarova, Irene Vicente, Celine De Vos, Fabio Di Luca, Dave Cramske, Marta Soriano Jiménez, Irene Esteban, Diana Rodríguez Nieto, Inmaculada Pon Coronado, Víctor Colmenero Mir, Giulia Romoli, Romans Suarez Pazos, Jimena Martínez, Raúl Torres Guzmán, Beatriz Arroyo, Sara Rodríguez Portela, María Isasi, Sandra Alonso – Haitz Mendibil, Andrea Acedo, Eloy Cruz del Prado, Ricardo Useche, Maysun Cheikh Ali, Garazi Lara Icaza, Marta Solaz, David Crespo.