Forward – Christine Gill
ISBN: 978-84-9946-069-7
Páginas: 100
Edición: 1ª edición, diciembre 2010
Depósito legal: M-52723-2010
Sinopsis: Jane found herself one bright sunny morning sitting on the edge of a cliff. The sun was high in the sky. The seagulls were hovering over head as they dived into the sea ready to catch their first meal of the day. It was a lovely sight to see. However, she had been there quite a long time, and at last now she knew what she was going to do. And as the excitement grew, she couldn’t wait to tell her husband Ben; she hoping he would be in the same mind as her; however, time will tell. At last, after all the months of not knowing, it all be came clear yes they were retiring to Spain.