Let Life Intervene – Ralph G. Hellman
ISBN: 978-84-9946-804-4
Páginas: 298
Edición: 1ª edición, mayo de 2021
Depósito legal: M-15654-2021
After quite some time and a bit of wobbling, John had made a crucial decision; he was going to leave Madrid after more than 20 years abroad and go back to Stockholm. There were plenty of reasons for this monumental step: a divorce, no real job and a daughter in New York; nothing kept him there anymore.
A fascinating rollercoaster voyage begins when he is hired as a private eye, searching for money launderers and tricksters, unraveling mysteries of gambling on the Internet, travelling like a rover between Madrid, Hong Kong, Stockholm, London and Paris, bumping into women while discovering his father was a former spy at MI6.
As any man, John is a distilled version of many things: a sportsman, a father, an optimist, a man of reading who perhaps seems more intelligent than he actually is, but nonetheless a good asset, when there are new frontiers to explore, with a potential future in politics.
Amazed by life’s uncertainty, he believes if he had the guts to leave his country, he must have the courage to come back, let the wind take him and
let life intervene.